Chapter 18
The future of Bitcoin and more importantly blockchain?
What started as a vision to solve problems around the fundamentals of currency, that is transacting in safe and efficient ways and independently of third-party institutions and governments, has evolved into something much more. With the advent of artificial intelligence, the blockchain has become an important piece of the security puzzle. No longer is blockchain useful just for currency transactions.
Ultimately, security is more important and fundamental to all existence on planet Earth than simply a monetary currency. As conflicts continue around the world, security is not just national defense, but security encompasses all aspects of life. Your personal data, your personal freedom, speech, privacy, government, every aspect of one’s existence depends on security. And with the potential for adversaries or “bad actors” to intrude upon not just the security of the individual but the security of governments and what most would consider “good actors” this becomes the critical societal goal. I’m convinced the person that is Satoshi Nakamoto is no longer concerned with just the financial aspects of blockchain. Rather societal security becomes a much more far-reaching aspiration. Security in information and security in personal identity amongst other aspects. Security in defense areas, security in all walks of life for all around the world. The blockchain is supported by a network of nodes that provides a means for secure checks and maintaining needed integrity of whatever circumstance that users wish to use it for. Again, the author does not claim to be an expert in blockchain technology. However, it is known that blockchain technology can be used for other purposes beyond currency transactions. The fundamentals of blockchain or proof-of-work is a rather secure means of communication and transmission. It can evolve and have other uses beyond currency. And with support from A.I. technology and now running increasingly complex and advanced computer chips the potential is really quite mind-numbing. If you can dream it, we will see it in the not-too-distant future.