Chapter 20
Final Thoughts
This author fully recognizes people just want to cut to the chase and reveal the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto. However, as noted earlier there are real concerns with revealing identities as well as respecting ones privacy when they truly want it to be the case. Besides, where would be the fun in that? Life is an exploration and a journey, not a destination to arrive at without effort.
Many, but perhaps not all reading this, will simply regard all that is written here as a colorful story with no real proof of anything. The author understands this opinion. But to those that say this, I would ask your understanding of the consequence of coming forward with detailed information of this nature. I know in my heart of hearts all the pieces fall into place for full confirmation in my mind. Frankly, that is good enough for me. I don’t expect anything to come of all this accounting of my experiences. To those that do believe, sometimes it is okay to have faith in humanity and faith in other people. It is alright to take the belief that there are people around the world with integrity and no alternative motive other than to do right and convey the truth.
Even after all this time and recounting my experiences conveyed in this book, I don't feel the need or desire to come forward. It has only downside associated with it. I have no intention of financial gain or notoriety or any other benefit. I've already explained as much as I care to on the reasons for recounting my experience. Moreover, any awareness of my own identity would only risk exposure to the identity of the person that is Satoshi Nakamoto. Although, I will say it is no one close to me in terms of family or friends or anyone I am in contact with today. And will even say further that no one from family or friends or otherwise are aware of what I know or that I am the author of this book or creator of a related web site. It is difficult to keep something of this nature under wraps and contained to only myself but have done what I can to minimize the chance that the identity of either Satoshi Nakamoto or myself could be determined by others.
Lastly, I will say it has been very interesting to follow the speculation and claims by others with respect to the person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. I am convinced I have crossed paths with this person in the past which by name has developed into an almost mythical character over time. The analogy I would present is perhaps there were actually dragons that breathed fire in the past. Myths often have elements of truth behind them. There certainly is enough historical evidence of creatures resembling dragons, right? And at some point, other creatures encountered those creatures. Who are we to say that we’ve found every skeleton fossil and dinosaur remain that ever existed? New discoveries are found all the time. Sometimes it’s okay to let the mystique and legend rest in time for all eternity. While other times the discovery and reveal is glorious and surprising but not outside the bounds of possibility. Only time will tell how this all turns out. The author would like to conclude with a direct message to the person that is Satoshi Nakamoto in the chance he sees this:
A message to Satoshi Nakamoto:
I contemplated the idea of once again setting a meet up around the next halving of bitcoin. Since it is predetermined, one can plan around it and as the time nears, it becomes ever more exacting to the minute. A meet up time that can clearly be known for two individuals. The location would be set as the public place we both first met. With this, each of us having a shared interest for anonymity. There would be certainty to come alone and not share the place with anyone. I would like to say hi again. Maybe laugh a little at all that has transpired. All that was missed. Perhaps a friendship is the real loss. For I am in a good place. I hope and trust you are too. It was and is never about the money. People will say, oh you could do so much with that kind of money. True. But when you already have what you desire. You are content and true happiness occurs. Vast sums of money do not buy joy. Therefore, maybe it's best it all progressed as it has. I wouldn't change a thing. I know some will say I am crazy or a loser or any other number of derogatory terms. But when you are surrounded by those that love you and content in your achievements the need to look back and want to have gone down a different path is negated.
My hope is that in the intervening four years between now and the next halving, Satoshi Nakamoto, you will have trust in this author to maintain your anonymity. And that if we do meet, I will be alone. Only you and I know the location I am referring to. Although the time is being stated publicly without the location known, we both can trust it will just be us. The meet up time being at noon local time on the day following the 2028 halving of Bitcoin. Hope to see you there Satoshi Nakamoto.