Chapter 6
Behind the curtain
Before the White Paper was published and available publicly on October 31, 2008, I had been to the residence of the person that would become Satoshi Nakamoto. Of course, at the time, before anyone knew what bitcoin was or its potential, I had no idea the significance of my encounters until much later. Looking back, and knowing what I know now, I can share aspects of the person behind the curtain.
The person that’s come to be known as Satoshi Nakamoto lived a relatively simple existence. No furniture. Nothing. Not even a bed to speak of, just a mattress. This was observed over a period of time. At the time I found it odd, to not have any personal items to speak of. Only empty space in the residence. This was not due to affordability. I can say that much and at the time I knew it was by choice. But I didn’t view it as something for me to spend a lot of time thinking about why that was the case. Looking back, I now see the significance of living such a simple uncluttered life in the context of the vision. It firmly fits with the character and mode of operation for Satoshi Nakamoto.
It is an odd thing to think someone would live with no tv. No radio or stereo. Just a computer. Satoshi Nakamoto would order pizza as evidenced by the pizza boxes I would see when visiting. I remember just thinking this person is working on their computer 24/7 and did not have a great deal of exposure to outside activities beyond what appeared as all work. I thought at the time it was exclusively on their day job and was just bringing work home to continue progress. However, I know differently now, and Satoshi Nakamoto was a visionary working on many other areas beyond the narrow band of work from their quote, day job. And as described in later chapters, blockchain and bitcoin as important as it has become to the world, was not a singular mission of existence. There would be other very important endeavors that have the potential to change the world.
The person that is Satoshi Nakamoto was cordial and respectful. Not overly outgoing or overly friendly but not unfriendly either. If I had to characterize, I would say Introverted. Some of the people claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto now in social media are quite laughable as they are seeking attention or tend to be extraverted in nature. This is not Satoshi Nakamoto by any stretch of the imagination. Satoshi Nakamoto living alone, in a very simple existence, yet clearly driven by unimaginable vision and desire to create something better. Something that had not existed before in the form Satoshi Nakamoto had envisioned. Something that could and would change people’s lives. No matter what is thought of the value of Bitcoin, it has certainly changed many people’s lives all around the world. It is not just a one country change but reaching and extending into all realms of livelihood for many people across the income spectrum with positive opportunities in some cases or faltering in other cases.
I believe Satoshi Nakamoto had an idealistic vision for Bitcoin and a desire for it to have a net positive for humanity. Unfortunately, as time passes, it is becoming increasingly evident the scale may be weighted more heavily on the negative impact for society and this in turn I’m sure is weighing heavily on Satoshi Nakamoto. After all, in creating bitcoin who could have thought of all the extreme negative case uses, from illicit hiding of income and tax evasion to alternative criminal payment and transfer uses amongst many other uses now occurring. The United States and some other governments have only scratched the surface in retrieving misappropriated funds and prosecuting illicit criminal activities. This is in the context of so many other countries with minimal resources in some cases to regulate, oversee, or counter criminal activities.
These negative outcomes have to weigh heavily on Satoshi Nakamoto and give pause to the creation. We are hearing similar commentary now with Elon Musk and his role in helping to create OpenAI. Where does artificial intelligence and advanced machine learning take us in the future? There inevitably will be negative consequences in creating this and if not Elon Musk then who? Was OpenAI inevitable much the same as a decentralized digital currency? It’s likely it would have occurred without the initiation of Satoshi Nakamoto. It’s just Bitcoin got rolling in a significant manner first, established, and in many ways is the ”gold standard” for a digital currency. This has to be rewarding on one hand, but on the other hand drive one to correct or develop a better tool that achieves the original vision while addressing the negative role Bitcoin in particular has had on society. I do believe Satoshi Nakamoto is not done in this regard. Given the role artificial intelligence is now having in society and people’s lives, it is very likely this is where Satoshi Nakamoto can be found. To endeavor even further with a new and greater vision for humanity: a vision and outcome now that will be secure, safe, and prosperous for all of humanity and to work to that end.